Hey There!


Front-End Developer
Check out my
LinkedIn Github
Blurred blue background with a photo of the programmer wearing a denim jacket, white shirt and short beard, black hair


CCS35 icon CSS
JavaScript icon JS
Vue icon VUE
Jest icon Jest
Sass icon Sass
Firebase icon Firebase
Git icon Git
Figma icon Figma

In development

React icon React
Node.js icon Node.js
Tailwind icon Tailwind
TypeScript icon TS

Hey there,

I'm Matheus Almeida, a Brazilian front-end developer with over 4 years of experience in the field and will graduate in 2024 on Computer Science.

During my undergraduate studies, I participated in programming marathons for a year and a half and tutored for a year in the Data Structures discipline.

I have extensive experience in developing dashboards and graphics for analyzing time series, threads, and other data, using componentization, SOLID, and Clean Code concepts.

Additionally, I have a strong interest and curiosity in UI and UX. I'm also familiar with project management, which I've been evolving in since before becoming a programmer.


It always seems impossible until it’s done.

- Nelson Mandela


Zelda Project

Zelda Project is a personal project to practice video and iframe tag.

HTML CSS Javascript
Github icon
Zelda project splash screen image


Pokedex is a personal project to train some Vue js fundamentals and plugins.

Vue VueCli Vuetify Vuex EsLint Lodash Jest Highcharts Vercel
Github icon
Image of the pokedex project home screen


Proffy is a project that connects students and teachers. Connections aims to find teachers with the best hours to serve students. On the platform there is area for students, where you have the option of looking for teachers at the desired times to assist you. and area for teachers, where they can register with class schedules.

React Knex Node.js TypeScript
Github icon
Image of the proffy project home screen


Here you will find a summary of what I have learned and developed as front end development.

HTML CSS Javascript
Github icon
Image of the portfolio project home screen